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Cavity Symptoms That Mean You Should See Your Dentist Office Nearby

What Is A Cavity? 

A cavity is the result of tooth decay over a period of time. The tooth decay typically results from one neglecting their oral health. The most common way for a cavity to form is when food gets lodged between your teeth, causing plaque to buildup over time. When you do not brush or floss often - the sugar in your diet combined with the bacteria in your mouth will break down the enamel on your teeth, eventually causing a cavity.


Bad Breath And A Toothache

Since cavities are caused by bacteria, this will quickly transition into bad breath. If you know you have bad breath, this could be a sign of a cavity. This could also be a sign that you have a tooth that is beginning to decay. If you have a toothache or tooth pain on a regular basis, this is a sign you should see a dentist nearby. If you are experiencing bad breath and constant tooth pain, you should make a dentist appointment right away. If these symptoms are left untreated, you may find yourself trying to find an emergency dentist


Tooth Sensitivity 

Having teeth sensitivity may not mean there is a cavity, however, if the tooth pain persists for a long period of time, you may have something going on that needs attention. You may want to pay special attention to whether or not your tooth is sensitive to hot and cold fluids.


Always Protect Your Smile

The best ways to help prevent cavities are to take as many preventative measures as you can to protect your smile. This includes brushing and flossing at least twice per day, making routine visits to your dentist office, and using mouthwash. The most important step is to make sure to see a dentist near you on a regular basis. 


Are you considering seeing a dentist soon? Get more information on dentists nearby here.


Dr. Oluyemi Workman Dr. Oluyemi Workman is the owner and founder of Braselton Smile Studio in Braselton Georgia. Her mission for Braselton Smile Studio is simple - treat her patients like family and provide a wonderful dental experience for her patients.

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